Courses / CS / Footwork


Qualifies For:
Study DC:
CS 130

Balance Passive

You have advantage on saves and contests of skill to avoid being tripped or knocked prone.

Tags: Save, Test, Trip, Prone

Back On Your Feet Passive

Standing up from being prone only costs you 5 ft. of movement.
(You cannot stand up from prone if you are immobilized.)

Tags: Passive, Prone, Utility

Tumbler Passive

You are practiced at getting around enemies, flipping over them, and sliding between their legs.
You have advantage on tests of skill to tumble.

You may try to move through the space(s) occupied by an adjacent enemy as if they were unoccupied by trying a contest of Tumbling opposed by the enemy’s test of Strength.

Tumble = d20 + Health + Agility or Roguery

If you win, you may pass through the enemy unimpeded.
If you lose, you trip and fall prone.
You only get one attempt to tumble past the same enemy on each of your turns.

Tags: Mobility, Test

Disengage+ Passive

When you disengage as an action, you can also move up to 5 ft.

Tags: Mobility, Disengage

Fancy Footwork Passive

When you attack an enemy with a melee weapon, you disengage from that enemy
(you are not engaged by them and do not provoke attacks of opportunity from that enemy for the rest of the turn).

Tags: Mobility, Disengage, Melee, Attack

“Coming through!”

Name Effort Requires Description
Tumble 5 You have advantage on tests of skill to tumble
Footwork 5 You can use Balance and Back On Your Feet
Fancy Footwork 25 You can use Fancy Footwork and Disengage+
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