Courses / CS / Shadow Arts

Shadow Arts

Qualifies For:
Study DC:
CS 222

Shadow Hop Ability

Fast Action or Move
1 FP

You teleport from one concealed area to another that you can see.
You cannot use this ability while you are immobilized.

(Teleporting does not provoke attacks of opportunity.)

Additionally, after you teleport with this ability, all enemies are off guard against you for the rest of that turn (your rolls to hit have advantage).

Tags: Fast Acti0n, Move, Mobility, Dark

Blend In Skill

You have learned to blend in with your surroundings.
Hiding while partially concealed no longer imposes disadvantage on your test of Roguery to hide.

Partially Concealed:
You are partially concealed in areas of dim light or shadow (you are concealed in areas of complete darkness (unless the creature has darkvision, then you are only partially concealed)), or while hiding in or behind something which the Headmaster determines conceals you, but not fully, such as thin foliage, thin fog, or thin smoke.

Normally, without this ability, you must be concealed from all enemies (all enemies must be unable to see you) for you to hide without disadvantage. You are concealed from an enemy if you are behind a solid object which completely conceals you such as dense foliage, in complete darkness, in thick fog, if you are invisible, or if the enemy is blind, and the enemy does not have any sight-like senses which reduce the effectiveness of or ignore such concealment (such as darkvision, shapesense, heatsense, tremorsense, or lifesense).

Normally, without this ability, you may also hide with disadvantage in areas of dim light or shadow, in areas of complete darkness from creatures with darkvision, or while otherwise partially concealed from all enemies (ex: in thin foliage, thin fog, or thin smoke).

As is normal, you still cannot hide in the open in bright light or plain daylight, unless your enemies are blind.

Tags: Skill

“Douse that blasted torch!”

Name Effort Requires Description
Blend In 5 Can hide while partially concealed without disadvantage.
Shadow Hop 20 You can use Shadow Hop.
Shadow hop lets you teleport from concealment to another area of concealment which you can see.
Shadow Hop+ 10 Shadow Hop and Blend In You can now use Shadow Hop to teleport to or from partial concealment which you can see, including areas of dim light or shadow.
Extra Credit
Effort: 8
Requires: Mastery
When you Shadow Hop, you may bring grabbed targets with you.
When you Shadow Hop, you may bring up to two willing targets that you are touching with you.
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