Courses / AR / Hydromancy


AR 242
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You learn spells which allow you to create or manipulate water in its various forms.



The area around you

A low wave of water floods the area within 300 ft. of you to a depth of one foot, making it difficult terrain.
If the water is not contained, it will flow away normally at the start of your next turn.

A creature which swims in the water is soaked, but simply wading through it is not sufficient to soak a creature, unless it is tiny.

Your Speed is reduced by 5 ft.
You resist fire damage, and cannot be set on fire.
You have disadvantage on saves against abilities which deal cold damage.
Electrolysis: Lightning damage deals an equal amount of extra fire damage.
You stop being soaked after you take fire or cold damage once or dry off.

Tags: Spell, Action, Spellburn, Area, Water



Until the caster rests

This spell requires a wet area to cast.
You turn some water in the space you touch and all spaces within 300 ft. occupied by the same body of water into mist.
A 5 ft. cube of mist forms above each affected space, which provides partial concealment to creatures within it.
If this spell forms mist in an already misty space, it forms thick mist, which provides concealment to creatures within it.

The mist can be dispersed by wind or fire, and precipitated out of the air by cold which causes it to fall as flurries of snow.

Tags: Spell, Spellburn, Utility



The area around you
One hour

If you cast this spell while it is cloudless, it forms a cloud in the sky above you.

If you cast this spell while it is cloudy, rain falls from the sky in a 300 ft. radius around you.
(If you are not directly exposed to the sky, this may not be as useful.)
Invisible creatures in the rain lose the concealment granted by invisibility.
Their shape is revealed by rain splashing against them.

If you cast this spell while it is already raining, it rains harder, and becomes torrential rain.
Torrential rain provides partial concealment to creatures in the rain.
Anything which ends its turn in torrential rain gets soaked.

Your Speed is reduced by 5 ft.
You resist fire damage, and cannot be set on fire.
You have disadvantage on saves against abilities which deal cold damage.
Electrolysis: Lightning damage deals an equal amount of extra fire damage.
You stop being soaked after you take fire or cold damage once or dry off.

Tags: Spell, Action, Spellburn, Area, Water

Water Breathing


Until the caster rests

The target can breathe water.

You can end this spell as a fast action.

Tags: Spell, Spellburn, Utility

Water Sphere


5 ft. radius sphere in range: sight
Health save reduces, test of skill escapes
Dissipate d6

You conjure a floating 5 ft. radius sphere of water.
Any creatures in the sphere’s area when it is conjured take 1 water damage, unless they can breathe water.

Any creature in the sphere’s area gets soaked.
The sphere is difficult terrain (unless a creature is good at swimming).

A creature which the sphere is conjured on top of,
enters the sphere,
or ends its turn inside the sphere
must pass a DC 16 health save to resist the vortex of currents within the sphere or be trapped inside the sphere and restrained by it.
Huge or larger creatures cannot be trapped or restrained by the sphere.
The sphere can only trap four medium creatures or one large creature at a time.

A creature which ends its turn trapped in the sphere takes 1 water damage, unless it can breathe water.

A creature trapped in the sphere may spend its move or action to try a DC 10 test of Strength (with advantage if it is good at swimming) or Spellcraft to escape.

An adjacent ally may spend its action to try a DC 10 test of Strength or Spellcraft to free a creature from the sphere.

As an action on each of your turns, you may move the sphere, and everything trapped within it, up to 10 ft. (including up into the air). The sphere soaks and tries to trap everything along its path.
(If you try to move a trapped creature into a mortal hazard, it immediately gets an extra save to escape.)

Dissipate d6:
At the start of each of your turns, roll a d6.
If you roll a 1, this spell ends.

You can end this spell as a fast action.
When this spell ends, the forces keeping the water in the shape of a sphere and floating in midair stop, and the water falls.

Your Speed is reduced by 5 ft.
You resist fire damage, and cannot be set on fire.
You have disadvantage on saves against abilities which deal cold damage.
Electrolysis: Lightning damage deals an equal amount of extra fire damage.
You stop being soaked after you take fire or cold damage once or dry off.

Tags: Spell, Action, Spellburn, Area, Water, Restrain



The area around you
Test of Strength reduces

You can control the flow of water, and make a wave or whirlpool.

Optionally, deal 1 water damage to the target.
Try a contest of Spellcraft against the target’s Strength to push or pull a target which is in water a distance based on its size.
Tiny targets are pushed up to 25 ft.
Small targets are pushed up to 20 ft.
Medium targets are pushed up to 15 ft.
Large targets are pushed up to 10 ft.
Huge targets are pushed 5 ft.
Giant or larger targets are not pushed by this ability.

(If the target would be pushed or pulled into a mortal hazard which would cause it to instantly or imminently die, such as off a cliff, it gets a health save to avoid being moved into that hazard, but is still moved as far as safely possible.
Being pushed or pulled does not provoke attacks of opportunity.)

Alternatively, you may use this spell to control the flow of water within a 5 ft. cube until the end of your next turn. Within this area, you can cause water to flow in a direction of your choice including uphill or directly into the air, or evacuate the area of water.

Alternatively, you may use this spell to give a target the ability to swim through water at its normal speed until the end of its turn.

Alternatively, you may use this spell to control water in a manner of similar scope.

Tags: Spell, Action, Spellburn, Water, Push

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 25 You can cast Flood, Rain, Mist, Flow, and Water Breathing
Water Sphere 10 Unlock You can cast Water Sphere
DC 16 health save
DC 10 test to escape
Previous: Arcane Wall