Courses / AR / Scrying
Qualifies For:
Study DC:
AR 360
Scry Spell
10 minutes
1 target
Until you rest
Pick a creature, place, or thing, and roll a DC 20 test of Spellcraft (or DC 25 if there are scrying countermeasures).
You have a +5 on this test of Spellcraft if you are familiar with your subject, and may have a penalty if your knowledge of your subject is particularly incomplete (ex: searching for a lost treasure trove an old tome mentioned).
If you pass, you create an invisible floating magical eye near the target, and may observe your target and its surroundings remotely through it, regardless of distance (as long as they are on the same plane), until you decide to stop. You can make the eye move by willing it, but it must remain within 30 ft. of your target, and always points directly at your target. If the target moves, the eye automatically follows.
The eye can be detected with a DC 25 test of Spellcraft.
Casting this spell in this way either requires a reflective surface, like a crystal ball or pool of water, upon which the remote images will appear, or you must close your eyes to see through the magic eye.
If you fail, fry Scrying (you cannot cast it again until you take a long rest).
You can end this spell as a fast action.
Suggested Backfire: The invisible magic eye that allows you to see what you are scrying becomes plainly visible, and loudly crashes into something, alerting any creatures you are scrying. If they look into the eye, they can see you or the area around your reflective surface reflected in it.
You have a +5 on this test of Spellcraft if you are familiar with your subject, and may have a penalty if your knowledge of your subject is particularly incomplete (ex: searching for a lost treasure trove an old tome mentioned).
If you pass, you create an invisible floating magical eye near the target, and may observe your target and its surroundings remotely through it, regardless of distance (as long as they are on the same plane), until you decide to stop. You can make the eye move by willing it, but it must remain within 30 ft. of your target, and always points directly at your target. If the target moves, the eye automatically follows.
The eye can be detected with a DC 25 test of Spellcraft.
Casting this spell in this way either requires a reflective surface, like a crystal ball or pool of water, upon which the remote images will appear, or you must close your eyes to see through the magic eye.
If you fail, fry Scrying (you cannot cast it again until you take a long rest).
You can end this spell as a fast action.
Suggested Backfire: The invisible magic eye that allows you to see what you are scrying becomes plainly visible, and loudly crashes into something, alerting any creatures you are scrying. If they look into the eye, they can see you or the area around your reflective surface reflected in it.
Extra Eye Spell
Range: sight
You devote the spellburn used to cast this spell (you do not recover it until this spell ends. Reduce your maximum spellburn die size by one stage until this spell ends).
Alternatively, you may use scrying magic on an object you can see to turn it into a magical eye without rolling a test of Spellcraft, and may move this eye by physically moving the object. When you close your eyes, you can see through this eye.
This may be useful for watching areas discretely, or to protect you from the effects of being blinded.
You can end this spell as a fast action.
Suggested Backfire: You are blinded until you rest.
Alternatively, you may use scrying magic on an object you can see to turn it into a magical eye without rolling a test of Spellcraft, and may move this eye by physically moving the object. When you close your eyes, you can see through this eye.
This may be useful for watching areas discretely, or to protect you from the effects of being blinded.
You can end this spell as a fast action.
Suggested Backfire: You are blinded until you rest.
Name | Effort | Requires | Description |
Unlock | 20 | You can Scry. +5 to scry if you are familiar with your target. You can cast Extra Eye. |
The Power of Voodoo | 5 | Unlock | +3 to scry if you have one of your target’s belongings. +5 to scry instead if you have a piece of your target (ex: hair, severed limbs, etc.) |
Subtlety | 10 | Unlock | +5 the Spellcraft DC to detect your scrying eye. |
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