Courses / CM / Presence Training
Presence Training
Required For:
Qualifies For:
Study DC:
CM 100
Presence Training Skill
Bonus to pass tests of skill to:
Persuade, command, inspire, or intimidate.
This bonus to tests of skill is a training bonus.
If you have more than one training bonus which applies to the same roll, use the best one.
You also have a bonus on rolls to befriend, improve relationships, and ask for help studying (which are not tests of skill).
DC Guidelines:
DC 10: Request reasonable aid from an indifferent target.
The target’s stance or attitude towards you has an impact:
Friendly -5 DC
Indifferent +0 DC
Unfriendly +5 DC
Hostile +10 DC or more, less impact for intimidation
The nature of what you are trying to get the target to do also has an impact:
Simple, easy, or aligned with their goals -5 DC or more
Time-consuming, or expensive +5 DC or more
Dangerous, or demands trust +5 DC or more
Power dynamics and the situation can also shift the DC, especially for intimidation.
If you outnumber or overawe the targets, rescued them at great personal risk, or just killed most of them without breaking a sweat, they may be more receptive to your demands.
Persuade, command, inspire, or intimidate.
This bonus to tests of skill is a training bonus.
If you have more than one training bonus which applies to the same roll, use the best one.
You also have a bonus on rolls to befriend, improve relationships, and ask for help studying (which are not tests of skill).
DC Guidelines:
DC 10: Request reasonable aid from an indifferent target.
The target’s stance or attitude towards you has an impact:
Friendly -5 DC
Indifferent +0 DC
Unfriendly +5 DC
Hostile +10 DC or more, less impact for intimidation
The nature of what you are trying to get the target to do also has an impact:
Simple, easy, or aligned with their goals -5 DC or more
Time-consuming, or expensive +5 DC or more
Dangerous, or demands trust +5 DC or more
Power dynamics and the situation can also shift the DC, especially for intimidation.
If you outnumber or overawe the targets, rescued them at great personal risk, or just killed most of them without breaking a sweat, they may be more receptive to your demands.
“Set an example worth following.”
Name | Effort | Requires | Description |
Skill 1 | 10 | +1 to Presence +1 to befriend, improve relationships, and ask for help studying You can use presence tools. |
Skill 2 | 10 | Skill 1 | +2 to Presence |
Skill 3 | 15 | Skill 2 | +3 to Presence Your presence tools cost you no weight to carry. |
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