Courses / CM / Haste Beat

Haste Beat

CM 434
Study DC:


Ranged: within earshot
Diminish 2 if you pass
Once per turn

Roll a DC 10 social test of Haste Beat with a penalty equal to your current level of diminish to inspire an ally to act.

Roll = d20 + social - diminish + Haste Beat bonus

If you pass, the target gets one action, which they may use immediately, and you diminish 2.
If you have not used your move action, you may also spend it to give the target one move action.

Alternatively, you may use Haste Beat on a target to dispel Slow or Stop.

Incompatible: You cannot Haste Beat with an action granted to you by Haste Beat.
Friendship Titans made by pooling the Little Buddies of multiple casters require extra Haste Beats for this spell to take effect.

Tags: Diminish, Action, Ranged, Spell


Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 20 You can use Haste Beat
+0 to Haste Beat
Rehearsal 1 3 Unlock +1 to Haste Beat
Rehearsal 2 3 Rehearsal 1 +2 to Haste Beat
Rehearsal 3 3 Rehearsal 2 +3 to Haste Beat
Rehearsal 4 3 Rehearsal 3 +4 to Haste Beat
Dress Rehearsal 3 Rehearsal 4 +5 to Haste Beat
Quick Recovery 0 Unlock You may reroll all natural 1’s you roll on tests of Haste Beat.
Extra Credit
Sharp Wits
Effort: 8
Requires: Unlock
You may apply your academics modifier instead of your social modifier to tests of Haste Beat.
Previous: Dashing Chord