Courses / CS / Bureaucracy 1

Bureaucracy 1

Impossible to fulfill
Study DC:
CS 105

Bureaucracy 1 Skill

Bonus to pass and extra effort on rolls to:
File paperwork. Investigate documents. Notice irregularities in reports. Navigate administrative procedures. Identify and successfully get through red tape. Satisfactorily complete checklists thoroughly. Do research.

This bonus to tests of skill is a training bonus.
Training bonuses do not stack with other training bonuses.

Tags: Skill

“By managing to successfully register, you have passed the first test of this kafkaesque nightmare of a class.”

Name Effort Requires Description
Skill 1 10 3 Letters of Recommendation +1 to Bureaucracy
You can use bureaucracy tools.
Skill 2 10 Skill 1, Nomination +2 to Bureaucracy
Skill 6 15 Skill 2,A or higher grade relationship with at least one important official +6 to Bureaucracy
Your bureaucracy tools cost you no weight to carry.
If you need a form, you probably have it prepared.
Back Of The Line 0 Mastery Once per encounter, you may move a target of your choice to the bottom of the initiative order as a fast action.
Assistant Associate Deputy Vice Manager 0 Mastery Once per day, you may cast a spell which costs 1 SP without paying its cost. It takes 10 turns from the time of your request for it to go through, as your superiors must ask their superiors to approve it. Can only be done during business hours.
Out to Lunch 0 Mastery Once per day, while you take a short rest enemies cannot damage or affect you.
Change Form 0 Mastery When you cast Beast Within, you may change a form into another form.
“No, that’s the 1040A. You need to fill out the 1040B.”