Courses / BI / Poison Spores

Poison Spores

BI 340
Qualifies For:
Study DC:


A 60 ft. radius centered on you
-1d10 Control
Health save negates damage and ongoing damage
Poisoning lasts until treated, the cloud dissipates d6

You create a lingering cloud of poison spores which provides partial concealment.

Any creature other than you which starts its turn within the cloud or enters the cloud must pass a health save, or take poison damage now, and be poisoned and take ongoing poison damage at the start of each of their respective turns
(if they start their turn unpoisoned and in the cloud and are poisoned by it at the start of their turn, they begin taking ongoing poison damage at the start of their next turn).
The poisoning from this spell lasts until ended or treated.

If a creature is inside the cloud when it is created, it must save against this spell’s effects immediately.
If a creature is pushed or dragged into the cloud, it must save against this spell’s effects immediately, if it has not already this round.
Once a creature rolls a save against this spell, it is unaffected by this spell until the start of its next turn.
(You cannot push and pull them in and out of a space to deal damage faster).

If the areas of multiple Poison Spores overlap, only the strongest applies.
Ongoing poison damage you inflict with this spell does not stack.
Affected creatures may spend an action to attempt a DC 13 health save to end all ongoing poison damage from this ability on themselves.

Track your ongoing damage, and remind your Headmaster about it at the start of each affected creature’s turn.

You can try a DC 15 test of Spellcraft to exclude spaces from being affected by this spell.

Dissipate d6:
At the start of each of your turns, roll a d6. If you roll a 1, the spore cloud goes away.
The cloud can be dispersed sooner or moved by strong winds.

Intensify applies to both the damage of the cloud and the ongoing poison damage, but only lasts for one round. You may continue intensifying this spell as an action using Intensity Boost.

Tags: Spell, Action, Poison, Area, Health, Save, Damage

“Poison everything! Especially your friends!”

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 25 DC 13
1d6 poison damage
1d6 ongoing poison damage
DC +1 5 Unlock DC 14
DC +2 5 DC +1 DC 15
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