Courses / BI / Poison Spores
Poison Spores
Qualifies For:
Study DC:
BI 340
Poison Spores Spell
Up to a 125 ft. cube centered on you
-1d10 Control
Health save prevents ongoing damage, health save ends ongoing damage
Poisoning lasts until treated or a save ends it
You spread poisonous spores in the air in up to a 125 ft. cube centered on you.
Friendly Fire:
You can try a DC 15 test of Spellcraft to exclude a target from being affected by your spell.
All creatures in the area other than you and those already taking ongoing damage from your Poison Spores get a health save.
The creature takes 1d6 ongoing poison damage at the start of each of its turns.
Whenever a creature takes ongoing poison damage from this spell, it gets a DC 13 health save to end this poisoning on themselves.
The poisoning from this spell lasts until ended or treated.
Track your ongoing damage, and remind your Headmaster about it at the start of each affected creature’s turn.
The creature is not poisoned.
This spell creates a non-magical poison, it is not an enchantment, and cannot be dispelled.
Friendly Fire:
You can try a DC 15 test of Spellcraft to exclude a target from being affected by your spell.
All creatures in the area other than you and those already taking ongoing damage from your Poison Spores get a health save.
The creature takes 1d6 ongoing poison damage at the start of each of its turns.
Whenever a creature takes ongoing poison damage from this spell, it gets a DC 13 health save to end this poisoning on themselves.
The poisoning from this spell lasts until ended or treated.
Track your ongoing damage, and remind your Headmaster about it at the start of each affected creature’s turn.
The creature is not poisoned.
This spell creates a non-magical poison, it is not an enchantment, and cannot be dispelled.
“Poison everything! Especially your friends!”
Name | Effort | Requires | Description |
Unlock | 20 | DC 13 health save prevents ongoing poisoning 1d6 ongoing poison damage DC 13 health save ends poisoning |
DC +1 | 5 | Unlock | DC 14 health save prevents ongoing poisoning |
DC +2 | 5 | DC +1 | DC 15 health save prevents ongoing poisoning |
DC +3 | 5 | DC +2 | DC 16 health save prevents ongoing poisoning |
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