Courses / CM / Expression Training

Expression Training

Required For:
Qualifies For:
Study DC:
CM 102

Expression Training Skill

Bonus to pass tests of skill to:
Put on a performance (but not a bardic magic performance). Sing, dance, tell a story. Inspire emotion. Make others feel a certain way. Capture attention. Look cool while doing something. Distract. Assume a persona. Pretend to be someone else. Create, identify, or appraise creative works. Embed subtle meaning and symbolism in something. Decipher artistic, historic, or literary symbols.

This bonus to tests of skill is a training bonus.
If you have more than one training bonus which applies to the same roll, use the best one.

You also have a bonus on rolls to befriend, improve relationships, and ask for help studying (which are not tests of skill).

Tags: Skill, Training

Group Distraction Passive

When you take the distract action in combat, you may try to distract any targets that can see you instead of a single target.

(All your allies gain partial concealment from all the target’s senses.
The target is off guard (rolls to hit them have advantage) against attacks from creatures that are not distracting it.
The target cannot take attacks of opportunity against creatures that are not distracting it.
Your allies may situationally get advantage on certain tests of skill against the target.
If you hide, or are disabled (cannot act) the target stops being distracted.)

Tags: Skill, Distract

Culinary Arts Skill

At the start of every adventure, you may make one free Expression crafting roll to create a food from the Food list (which can have various benefits), with an expiration date. If this food item is not consumed before the end of that adventure, it spoils.
If you fail this roll or do not get enough effort, you get a ruined dish.

Tags: Skill, Item, Food

“What are you trying to say?”

Name Effort Requires Description
Skill 1 10 +1 to Expression
+1 to befriend, improve relationships, and ask for help studying
You can use expression tools.
Skill 2 10 Skill 1 +2 to Expression
Skill 3 15 Skill 2 +3 to Expression
Your expression tools cost you no weight to carry.
Distract+ 0 Skill 1 You can use Group Distraction
Culinary Arts 0 Skill 1 You can use Culinary Arts