Courses / CM / Duet


CM 210
Required For:
Qualifies For:
Study DC:



You may play up to two bardic magic songs at the same time.
Without this ability, you can only play one bardic magic song at a time.

Continuing Multiple Songs:
At the start of each of your turns, you may attempt a test to perform each bardic magic song that you are playing to continue it until the start of your next turn. If you fail, or choose not to continue the song, that song ends.
Each song that you are playing must be successfully continued at the start of each of your turns, or that song ends.

You cannot perform the same bardic magic song multiple times simultaneously.

Tags: Passive

Quick Start

When you spend an action starting a bardic magic song,
you may also start an additional song without spending an action.

One Hit Wonder


While you are only playing one bardic magic song,
its numerical effects are increased by their base value.

(ex: A One Hit Wonder Bardic Performance would give you and your allies
a +2 to hit and tests of skill instead of a +1,
and you a -2 to tests of Roguery to hide instead of a -1.)

You cannot use One Hit Wonder to affect downtime rolls (projects, research, crafting, shopping, working out, befriending, or improving a relationship), rolls to ask for help studying, or study rolls.

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 25 You can provide the effects of two bardic magic songs at the same time.
Quick Start 5 Unlock You can Quick Start
One Hit Wonder 5 Unlock You can use One Hit Wonder