Courses / CM / Masking Performance
Masking Performance
Qualifies For:
Study DC:
CM 312
Masking Performance Spell
Action to start, fast action to continue
You and all allies within earshot
Until the start of your next turn
While performing this ability,
you may give the targets advantage on tests of Roguery to hide.
Targets can perform bardic magic spells silently and subtly. Except for Harsh Noise, on your turn when it deals damage.
(This ability can cancel noise instead of making lots of noise as a diversion).
Casting this spell or another bardic magic spell while under its effect while hidden also hides that you are casting it, and does not cause you to become unhidden.
When you cast this spell while you are not hidden, you can try to hide that you are casting it with a contest of Spellcraft or Roguery against the Seeking of creatures observing you. Only observers that win notice you are casting a spell. However, once the spell is cast, its effects may be noticed.
If this spell is dispelled, it is only suppressed until the start of your next turn instead.
you may give the targets advantage on tests of Roguery to hide.
Targets can perform bardic magic spells silently and subtly. Except for Harsh Noise, on your turn when it deals damage.
(This ability can cancel noise instead of making lots of noise as a diversion).
Casting this spell or another bardic magic spell while under its effect while hidden also hides that you are casting it, and does not cause you to become unhidden.
When you cast this spell while you are not hidden, you can try to hide that you are casting it with a contest of Spellcraft or Roguery against the Seeking of creatures observing you. Only observers that win notice you are casting a spell. However, once the spell is cast, its effects may be noticed.
If this spell is dispelled, it is only suppressed until the start of your next turn instead.
Name | Effort | Requires | Description |
Unlock | 15 | You can perform Masking Performance | |
Consistent | 20 | Unlock | You do not have to roll to perform this ability |
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