Courses / MA / Jumping


Study DC:
MA 231

Jump Boost Passive

You can add up to 5 ft. to your high jump height.
You can add up to 30 ft. to your long jump distance.
You have advantage on tests of skill to jump.
You take 10 less damage from falling.

When you high jump, it does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
(But an opponent with Halt can still stop you from jumping.)

Tags: Passive, Jump, Skill, Mobility, Damage

Rolling Landing Ability

When you land after a fall

You have learned ways to take landings to lessen their impact.
Go prone to reduce the amount of fall damage you take from a fall by 10.

Tags: Ability, Fall, Damage

Leap Ability

When you high jump
2 stamina per +5 ft.

Add +5 ft. to the height of a high jump per 2 stamina spent.

Tags: Jump, Mobility, Damage

Jump Attack Passive

You may choose to fall at any point during your turn, instead of waiting until the end of your turn (and holding your action to perform a jump attack).

As normal, if you hit a creature with a melee weapon while falling, add the damage for falling that far to your first hit against them during that fall.

You learn how to transfer the force of a fall to an enemy while using your weapon as a brake to slow yourself down.
If you hit a creature or solid object with a melee weapon while falling, you do not take any fall damage from the fall up to that point. End your current fall there and begin a new fall from that point.

Without this ability, if you hit a creature with a melee weapon while falling, it takes additional damage, but you still take fall damage, too. Even with this ability, missing could be bad.

High Jump Roll
= d20 + Health + Strength or Agility
DC 20 = 5 ft., DC 30 = 10 ft., DC 40 = 15 ft.
+ 5 ft. / 30 ft. of movement

High Jump:
By spending the entirety of your move action, you can jump upwards up to a number of feet based on what you roll
(DC 20 = 5 ft., DC 30 = 10 ft., DC 40 = 15 ft., …)
plus 5 ft. per 30 ft. of movement you have left.
(Jumping can provoke attacks of opportunity.)
(If you fall 10 ft. or more from the peak of your jump, you take fall damage, normally 1 blunt damage per foot fallen.)

Long Jump Roll
= d20 + Health + Strength or Agility + Movement - 30

Long Jump:
As part of your move, you can jump across up to a number of feet equal to your roll on a test of skill to long jump, rounded down to the nearest 5 ft.
The height of a long jump is normally less than 5 ft.
You can ignore difficult terrain you jump over.
Subtract the distance you jumped from your remaining movement. If you have any movement left over, you may spend it to move as normal.
If the distance you jumped exceeds your remaining movement, reduce it to 0.
(Jumping can provoke attacks of opportunity.)
(If you are jumping to a lower elevation, you may be able to jump further.)
(If you are short by 5 ft., the Headmaster may allow you to make the jump, but trip, or grab hold of a ledge, or face another consequence for barely missing.)

High Long Jump:
When you high jump, you can also long jump using the same roll (just apply movement - 30 to it to get the long jump distance).

A creature falls up to 500 ft. per round, at the end of its turn.
At the end of a fall of 10 ft. or more, a creature takes 1 blunt damage for every foot that it fell, up to a limit of 500 damage.
A creature which takes 100 or more damage from a fall may instantly die at the Headmaster’s discretion.
A soft landing area, the ability to fly or glide, or other mitigating factors may prevent or reduce the damage you take from falling.

Tags: Passive, Jump, Melee, Damage, Style

“The height advantage is mine!”

Name Effort Requires Description
Jump Boost 15 You can add up to +5 ft. to your high jump height
You can add up to +30 ft. to your long jump distance
Advantage on tests of skill to jump
You take 10 less damage from falling
Rolling Landing 0 Jump Boost You can use Rolling Landing
Leap 5 You can use Leap
Jump Attack 15 You can use Jump Attack
Next: Halt