Courses / BI / Web


BI 243
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Spell (Undispellable)

Ranged: sight
-1d10 Control
Health (reflex) save negates, test of skill at end of turn ends
Until the target escapes

This spell does not affect incorporeal targets.
The target gets a health (reflex) save against this spell.

If the target fails its save, it is enwebbed by durable sticky webs.
The target is restrained and disabled.

At the end of each of the target’s turns,
they get to try a DC 10 test of Strength or Roguery to break free, without spending an action.

An adjacent ally may spend their action to try their own DC 10 test of Strength or Roguery to free the target.

Creatures which get multiple actions per turn may spend an action to try a DC 10 test of Strength or Roguery to escape.

The webs can also be cut or destroyed. The webs have 10 AC, 25 HP, are immune to blunt, piercing, and psychic damage, and are extremely weak to fire damage.
The webs are extremely flammable, and if exposed to fire will catch flame and burn up, dealing 1d12 fire damage to the affected creature but ending this effect.

If the target passes its save, its Speed is halved until the end of its turn.

This spell creates non-magical webs. This spell cannot be dispelled once it is cast.

Tags: Action, Spell, Ranged, Health, Reflex, Save, Debuff, Restrain, Disable, Splittable, Undispellable

Web Strand

Spell (Undispellable)

Ranged: 50 ft.
-1d10 Control
Health (reflex) save negates, test ends

You need a free hand to cast this spell.

You shoot a strand of web at the target, and grab hold of the other end.
The target gets a health (reflex) save to avoid the web.
If it fails, the web sticks to it.

The target cannot move further away from you, unless it wins a contest of Strength against you and any other creatures holding the web strand.
If it wins, other creatures holding the web may let go, or they will be dragged behind the target as it moves.
You or other creatures holding the web may use this strand to try to pull a giant or smaller target 5 ft.
The target can spend an action to try a DC 10 test of Strength or Roguery to remove the web. The web can also be cut or destroyed in the same way as a web from Enweb.
Fire destroys the web.

Shooting a web strand may be particularly useful to save yourself from falling.

A strand of web can support the full weight of four medium creatures or one large creature without snapping.

Alternatively, you can use this spell to spin a strand of web.
You can spend an hour braiding multiple web strands into a cord to make it stronger.

This spell creates non-magical webs. This spell cannot be dispelled once it is cast.

Tags: Action, Spell, Ranged, Health, Reflex, Save, Debuff, Mobility, Pull, Splittable, Undispellable

Spin Web

Spell (Undispellable)

Ranged: sight
-1d10 Control
Health save negates

You spin a web up to 20 ft. x 20 ft. x 20 ft. between at least two supporting structures.
The webbed area is difficult terrain.
If a creature touches the web, it must pass a health save, or it is restrained. If it passes its save, it cannot be restrained by that web for the rest of the turn.

Two webs cannot occupy the same space.

A creature restrained by the web may spend an action to try a DC 10 test of Strength or Roguery to break free.

An adjacent ally may spend their action to try their own DC 10 test of Strength or Roguery to free the target. The web can also be cut or destroyed in the same way as a web from Enweb.

Falling into a web can stop or slow a creature’s fall without harming them.

This spell creates non-magical webs. This spell cannot be dispelled once it is cast.

Tags: Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Health, Save, Undispellable

“That’s not very honorable of you.” - Macha Lachdanashana, tournament contender

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 15 You can cast Enweb
DC 10 save
DC 10 escape
You can cast Web Strand
DC = Enweb’s DC
You can cast Spin Web
DC +1 5 Unlock DC 11 save
DC +3 5 DC +1 DC 13 save
DC +5 5 DC +3 DC 15 save
DC +7 5 DC +5 DC 17 save
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