Courses / BI / Corrode


BI 141
Qualifies For:
Study DC:



Ranged: sight
-1d10 Control
Health save negates ongoing damage and ongoing armor damage
Permanent, until repaired

The target takes acid damage and armor damage,
and must pass a health save, or take ongoing armor damage and ongoing acid damage, as microbial creatures digest their gear.

Ongoing damage you inflict with this spell does not stack (but each caster of this spell may apply it once to the same target).
Track your ongoing damage, and remind your headmaster about this damage at the start of each affected creature’s turn.

Armor Damage:
Each point of armor damage reduces armor or a shield’s AC bonus and physical damage reduction by 1.
This cannot reduce the AC bonus of that armor or shield below +0.
This cannot reduce physical damage reduction of that armor or shield below 0.
Indestructible gear cannot take armor damage.
Incorporeal targets cannot take armor damage.
(This does not work on spells such as Mage Armor, Stone Skin, Spirit Armor, Ward, etc.)
When used on a monster, armor damage can reduce it to 10 AC, not counting AC bonuses from spells or other abilities.

Armor which provides resistance, immunity, or other specific protection from acid damage does not take armor damage from this spell (unless its element is changed).

An affected creature may spend an action to attempt a health save against this spell’s DC to end all ongoing damage from this ability.
An affected creature may also remove their affected armor to stop taking ongoing damage from this ability (tossing a shield aside can be done instantly, but removing armor typically takes 1 minute).

Damage Boosts:
Unless otherwise specified, damage boosts only add to the up-front damage of this spell, not its ongoing damage.

Intensify applies to both the up-front and ongoing damage, but only lasts for one round. You may continue intensifying this spell as an action using Intensity Boost.

Tags: Action, Spell, Blast, Ranged, Health, Save, Debuff, AC, Permanent, Acid, Damage



Ranged: sight
Health save negates
Permanent, until repaired

The target must pass a health save, or take acid damage and armor damage.

You cannot Intensify this spell.

Tags: Action, Spell, Blast, Ranged, Health, Save, Debuff, AC, Permanent, Acid, Damage, Cantrip

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 15 You can cast Corrode
1d4 acid damage
1 armor damage
DC 9
1d4 ongoing acid damage on a failed save
1 ongoing armor damage on a failed save
DC +2 5 Unlock DC 11
DC +4 5 DC +2 DC 13
DC +6 5 DC +4 DC 15
DC +7 5 DC +6 DC 16
Tarnish 0 Unlock You can cast Tarnish
DC = Corrode’s DC
1d4 acid damage
1 armor damage
Extra Credit
Total Corrosion
Effort: 8
Requires: Unlock
When this spell deals armor damage to armor or a shield which has been fully armor broken (its AC and physical damage reduction bonuses are +0), you may nullify one random positive modification on that armor or shield, until it is repaired.
Spell Eater
Effort: 8
Requires: Unlock
This spell’s armor damage can apply to AC or physical damage reduction buffs from spells.
If it reduces these buffs to +0, they are dispelled.
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