Courses / MA / Counterattack


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Study DC:
MA 174

Counterattack Extra Attack

Reactions are abilities that can be used in response to some triggering event, even if it is not your turn.
When an enemy within your wielded melee weapon’s reach misses you, or uses the grab, push, pull, or trip action on you and fails.
The enemy which triggered Counterattack
2 stamina
Once per round (Upgrades to once per trigger)

Attack your attacker with your wielded melee weapon.
If you are dual wielding melee weapons, you may attack them once with each weapon instead.

This ability exploits a brief opening presented by one opponent. You cannot attack extra targets with this attack using Cleave, Circle of Blows, Ground Pound, or Volley.
You can Skewer or Piercing Shot through them, though.

(Range and reach are different. A weapon’s reach is normally 5 ft.
Aura Projection Strike and Shockwave do not extend a weapon’s reach.
You may take a point-blank shot or make a melee attack with a ranged weapon using this ability.)

Tags: Extra Attack, Trigger, Reaction

“Punish their mistakes.”

Name Effort Requires Description
/ Round 10 You can Counterattack.
Limit of once per round
/ Turn 10 / Round Limit of once per turn
/ Miss 15 / Turn Limit of once per trigger
Extra Credit
Distant Counter
Effort: 8
Requires: Restricted, Mastery
You may Counterattack with your wielded melee weapon, or once with each dual wielded melee weapon, when an enemy misses you from within that weapon’s maximum range.
(You can harm enemies at range if your melee weapon has range (ex: Throwing Weapon, Air Wave enchantment, Aura Projection Strike, Shockwave))
Return Fire
Effort: 8
Requires: Distant Counter
You may Counterattack with your wielded ranged weapon, or once with each dual wielded ranged weapon, when an enemy misses you from within that weapon’s maximum range.
Effort: 5
Requires: / Round
You may take a -20 penalty to your initiative
to defend until the start of your first turn in the combat.
You may do this after seeing your initiative roll.
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