Course Catalogue

In Adventure School Adventures, characters are defined by the abilities they learn. They choose what courses to take from a broad selection of available options, and decide how much effort to put into mastering those courses, which determines how good they become at their chosen specialties. Abilities that would be granted by being in a "class" in a traditional RPG are instead something that can be learned in a class in Adventure School Adventures. Most abilities used by characters in the manga were learned through study.

The course catalogue contains all of these courses, and also details what abilities they grant, what students learn to do with this knowledge at various levels of mastery, what avenues of further study they open up, and what students need to already know as a pre-requisite before they can learn these abilities. This document exists in a similar form within the fiction of the game, and is something the characters themselves can read and use to plan what kind of adventurer they hope to become. In Adventure School Adventures, the build-making decisions made by a player are also made in character.

Below is a list of all the courses in the catalogue, with links to pages containing the full details for every course. It is available, for free, as a reference to players of ASA.

Course List

Name Code
Spellcraft 1: Introductory Spellcraft AR 100 Skill, Training, Spell, Action, Enchantment
Artifice 1: Prototyping AR 101 Skill, (Crafting Focus), Training
Alchemy 1: The Laws of Alchemy AR 102 Skill, (Crafting Focus), Training, Item
Arcane Strike AR 110 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Blast, Ranged, Long Range, Attack, Elemental, Damage, Affinity, Spellburn, Trigger, Reaction
Arcane Punch AR 111 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Blast, Melee, Attack, Elemental, Damage, Affinity, Spellburn, Spell, Hit, Health, Save, Physical, Damage, Push, Mobility
Arcane Burst AR 112 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Blast, Area, Health, Save, Elemental, Damage, Affinity, Push, Spellburn, Spell, Area, Push
Arcane Darts AR 113 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Blast, Ranged, Long Range, Multitarget, Split Target, Elemental, Damage, Affinity, Unavoidable, Spell, Enchantment, Trigger
Arcane Infusion AR 117 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Melee, Enchantment, Buff, Elemental, Damage, Undispellable, Affinity
Arcane Flare AR 118 Spellburn, Spell, Trigger, Elemental, Damage, Affinity, Buff
Evocation Training AR 119 Passive, Damage
Extra Affinities AR 11A Passive, Elemental, Damage, Affinity
Making Friends AR 120B Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Summon, Undispellable, Spell, Spellburn, Ranged, Summon, Undispellable, Passive, Trigger, Effortless, Damage, Redirect, Summon
The Care and Feeding of Your Familiar AR 120F Spellburn, Spell, Melee, Summon, Undispellable, Passive, Trigger, Effortless, Damage, Redirect
Mage Weapon AR 121 Spellburn, Fast Action, Spell, Elemental, Physical, Affinity, Spell, Enchantment, Permanent
Invisible Hand AR 122 Spellburn, Fast Action, Spell, Summon, Utility, Subtle
Energy Shield AR 130 Spellburn, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Buff, HP, Redirect
Mage Armor AR 131 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Self, Enchantment, Buff, AC
Arm Shield AR 132 Spell, Spellburn, Action, Buff, AC
Lightning Reflexes AR 133 Spellburn, Buff, Initiative, Save, Lightning
Quick Shield AR 134 Trigger, Reaction, Spellburn, Spell, Flash Enchantment, Buff, AC
Quick Shell AR 135 Spellburn, Spell, Reaction, Ranged, Elemental, Flash Enchantment, Buff
Feather Fall AR 136 Trigger, Reaction, Spellburn, Spell, Ranged, Area, Enchantment, Wind, Buff
Arcane Backlash AR 138 Spellburn, Spell, Enchantment, Damage, Buff, Affinity
Defense Against the Dark Arts AR 139 Passive, Test, Spell, Spellburn, Action, Spell, Reaction, Spell, Reaction, Spell, Reaction, Spell, Action
Making Unsafe Spaces AR 140 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Enchantment, Elemental, Damage, Affinity, Damage Over Time
Spears of Revealing Light AR 141 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Enchantment, Debuff, Test, AC, Light
Oil AR 142 Spell, Area, Utility, Fire
Hydromancy AR 143 Spell, Action, Spellburn, Area, Water, Spell, Spellburn, Utility, Spell, Action, Spellburn, Area, Water, Spell, Spellburn, Utility, Spell, Action, Spellburn, Area, Water, Restrain, Damage Over Time, Spell, Action, Spellburn, Water, Push, Spell, Action, Spellburn, Water, Health, Save
Blind AR 150 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Health, Save, Enchantment, Curse, Debuff, Light, Dark, Splittable, Action, Melee, Spell, Enchantment, Utility, Light
Fear Me AR 151 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Curse, Social, Save, Debuff, Fear, Mental, Emotion, Splittable
Adding Injury to Injury AR 152 Spellburn, Trigger, Spell, Curse, Enchantment, Ranged, Damage, Dark
Hex AR 153 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Curse, Social, Save, Debuff, Test, Save, Hit, Splittable, Subtle
Slow AR 155 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Health, Save, Enchantment, Curse, Debuff, Damage, Splittable
Enfeeble AR 159 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Curse, Debuff, Damage
Puff of Smoke AR 160 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Enchantment, Ranged, Utility, Subtle, Splittable
Fortune Telling AR 161 Spell, Utility
Prescient Projection AR 162 Spell, Spellburn, Self, Enchantment, Buff, Utility, Hit, Save, AC
Aeromancy AR 164 Spell, Action, Spellburn, Ranged, Buff, Spell, Action, Spellburn, Ranged, Wind, Buff, Spell, Action, Spellburn, Minor Spellburn, Wind, Push, Pull, Spell, Trigger, Spellburn, Push, Wind
Sharpen Senses AR 170 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Melee, Utility, Test, Hit, Darkvision, Shapesense
Nudge Fate AR 171 Trigger, Reaction, Effortless, Spellburn, Spell, Ranged, Trigger, Spellburn, Trigger, Chaos
Knock AR 172 Spellburn, Spell, Melee, Test, Spellcraft, Utility
Lock AR 173 Spellburn, Spell, Ranged, Test, Spellcraft, Utility, Enchantment
Dispel AR 180 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Long Range, Area, Anti-magic, Test
Arcane Training AR 190 Passive, Spellburn, Passive, Spellburn, Trigger, Spellburn, Skill, Training
Spellcraft 2: Elementary Spellcraft AR 200 Skill, Adept, Elemental, Trigger, Spellburn, Action, Spell, Buff, Spellburn
Artifice 2: Efficient Enchanting AR 201 Skill, Adept, Skill, Effort, Item
Alchemy 2: Proportions and Ratios AR 202 Skill, Adept, Item, Item
Arcane Uppercut AR 211 Spellburn, Spell, Trigger, Push, Fall
Arcane Cone AR 214 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Blast, Melee, Area, Health, Save, Elemental, Damage, Affinity, Push, Pull, Ability, Elemental, Damage
Arcane Beam AR 215 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Blast, Melee, Area, Health, Save, Elemental, Damage, Affinity, Spellburn, Trigger, Area, Damage
Arcane Ball AR 216 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Blast, Ranged, Area, Health, Save, Elemental, Damage, Affinity, Spellburn, Trigger, Area, Damage
Double Infusion AR 217 Passive, Elemental, Damage, Buff
Evocation Adept AR 219 Passive, Damage
Intensify AR 21A Passive, Damage, Buff, Passive, Spellburn, Elemental, Skill, Training
Mana Burst AR 21B Spellburn, Spell, Enchantment, Damage, Buff
Annihilate AR 21C Spellburn, Spell, Action, Elemental, Damage, Buff, Uncounterable, Spell, Trigger
Spell Feint AR 21D Passive, Trigger, Spell, Miss, Hit, Advantage, Buff
Meeting and Greeting AR 220B Passive, Summon
Synergy AR 221 Passive, Summon, Test, Effort
Comrades in Arms AR 221B Passive, Summon, Hit, Damage, Spell, Summon, Hit, Advantage, Action, Spell, Summon, Damage, Action
Elemental Familiar AR 221F Passive, Summon, Elemental, Affinity
Tougher Friends AR 222B Passive, Summon, HP, AC
Sheltering Bond AR 222F Passive, Summon, HP, AC, Save
Staunch Friends AR 223B Passive, Summon, AC
You Are My Eyes AR 223F Summon, Test, Mobility, Utility, Spell, Summon, Hit, Advantage, Action
Friendship is Antimagic AR 224B Passive, Summon, Elemental, Resist, Passive, Summon, Save
What’s Mine Is Yours AR 224F Trigger, Passive, Summon, Utility, Passive, Heal, Summon, Reaction, Trigger, HP
Fast Friends AR 225B Passive, Summon, Mobility
Shielding Bond AR 225F Passive, Summon, AC
Armored Bond AR 226F Passive, Summon, DR
Mighty Amity AR 227B Passive, Summon, Utility, Test, Skill, Passive, Damage, Test, Skill
Familiar Power AR 227F Passive, Summon, Damage
Stalwart Friends AR 228B Passive, Summon, DR
Energy Shield 2 AR 230 Passive, HP, Buff
Medium Mage Armor AR 231 AC
Lightning Cautery AR 233 Spellburn, Lightning, Trigger
Blade Whirlwind AR 234 Spellburn, Fast Action, Spell, Self, Area, Trigger, Attack, Physical, Damage, Enchantment, Buff, AC, Wind
Arcane Shell AR 235 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Buff, Elemental, Affinity
Leaf on the Wind AR 236 Spellburn, Fast Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Buff, Mobility, Space Magic, Subtle, Wind
Warp AR 237 Spellburn, Action, Fast Action, Spell, Melee, Mobility, Subtle
Illusory Substitute AR 238 Spellburn, Reaction, Trigger, Spell, Self, Ranged, Flash Enchantment, Buff, Illusion, Subtle, Secret, Uncounterable
Living Reflections AR 239 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Self, Ranged, Enchantment, Buff, Illusion
Restraining Zone AR 240 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Enchantment, Health, Save, Debuff, Restrain, Elemental, Damage
Arcane Wall AR 241 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Enchantment, Health, Save, Elemental, Damage, Debuff, Affinity, Damage Over Time, Spell, Action, Spellburn, Area, Mobility
Arcane Cloud AR 243 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Enchantment, Conceal, Health, Save, Elemental, Damage, Affinity, Damage Over Time
Malediction AR 250 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Curse, Debuff, Hit, Test, Save, Splittable
Charmed, I’m Sure AR 251 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Curse, Social, Save, Debuff, Charm, Subtle, Mental, Emotion, Splittable
Confuse AR 253 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Curse, Academics, Save, Debuff, Crowd Control, Mental, Psychic, Splittable
Stop AR 255 Spellburn, Spell, Ranged, Curse, Debuff, Splittable
Social Network AR 260 Minor Spellburn, Ritual, Spell, Enchantment, Utility
Pocket Pull AR 261 Spellburn, Spell, Summon, Utility, Space Magic, Subtle
Rushed Repair AR 262 Trigger, Spellburn, Spell, Self, Effort, Construct, Heal, Revive
Personality Swap AR 270 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Melee, Buff / Debuff, Test, Undispellable
Know AR 271 Spellburn, Ritual, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Buff, Utility
Telekinesis AR 272 Action, Reaction, Trigger, Spell, Spellburn, Utility, Test, Subtle, Spellcraft
Thermomancy AR 273 Spell, Action, Spellburn, Enchantment, Fire, Cold, Heatsense
Counterspell AR 280 Trigger, Reaction, Spellburn, Spell, Ranged, Long Range, Anti-magic, Test
Arcane Cooling AR 290 Passive, Spellburn, Passive, Fry, Passive, Spellburn, Skill, Adept
Elemental Pierce AR 2M1 Elemental, Damage, Metamagic, Passive
Split Spell AR 2M2 Metamagic
Dual Cast AR 2M3 Action, Spell, Damage, Style
Spellcraft 3: Intermediate Spellcraft AR 300 Skill, Expert
Artifice 3: Intransient Magics AR 301 Skill, Expert, Ability, Spell
Alchemy 3: Percolation & Distillation AR 302 Skill, Expert, Item
Triple Infusion AR 317 Passive, Elemental, Damage, Buff
Evocation Expertise AR 319 Passive, Damage
Intensify 2 AR 31A Passive, Damage, Skill, Adept
Team Attack AR 320B Passive, Summon, Hit
Bond of Brutality AR 321F Passive, Summon, Damage
Even Tougher Friends AR 322B Passive, Summon, HP, AC
Steadfast Bond AR 322F Passive, Summon, HP, AC
Familiar Power 2 AR 323F Passive, Summon, Damage
Cannon Fodder AR 325B Trigger, Reaction, Summon, Redirect, Attack
Titanic Might AR 327B Passive, Summon, Skill, Test
Energy Shield 3 AR 330 Passive, HP, Buff
Heavy Mage Armor AR 331 AC
Omni Shell AR 335 Buff, Elemental, Resist
Arcane Bubbles AR 340 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Enchantment, Health, Save, Buff, Debuff, Mobility, Water
Darkness AR 342 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Enchantment, Conceal, Utility, Illusion, Subtle, Dark, Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Enchantment, Utility, Darkvision, Subtle, Dark
Terrify AR 350 Spellburn, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Curse, Social, Save, Debuff, Fear, Terror, Mental, Emotion, Splittable
Fury AR 353 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Curse, Social, Save, Debuff, Crowd Control, Mental, Emotion, Psychic, Fire, Splittable
Shrinking Feeling AR 355 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Curse, Health, Save, Debuff, Test, Damage, Mobility, Utility
Scrying AR 360 Spellburn, Spell, Enchantment, Utility, Spellburn, Spell, Enchantment, Utility, Item
Catalogue AR 361 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Self, Area, Enchantment, Buff, Utility
Locate Noun AR 362 Spellburn, Spell, Self, Enchantment, Utility
Lucky Spell AR 370 Trigger, Effortless, Reaction, Spellburn, Spell, Self, Advantage, Uncounterable
Protection Charm AR 380 Spellburn, Spell, Melee, Buff, Enchantment, Anti-magic
Chaos Control AR 390 Passive, Spellburn, Spellburn, Reroll, Skill, Expert
Advanced Geometry AR 3M1 Area, Metamagic
Spellcraft 4: Advanced Spellcraft AR 400 Skill
Artifice 4: Masterwork Project AR 401 Skill, Mastery, Skill, Grade, Craft
Alchemy 4: Complex Transmutations AR 402 Skill, Item
Ultimate Arcane Infusion AR 417 Passive, Elemental, Damage, Buff
Evocation Mastery AR 419 Passive, Damage
Intensify 3 AR 41A Passive, Damage, Skill, Expert
Celestial Mechanics AR 41E Reroll, Spell, Damage, Area, Blast, Fire
Advanced Buddy Studies AR 420B Passive, Summon
Destructive Bond AR 421F Passive, Summon, Hit, Damage
Through Thick and Thin AR 422B Passive, Summon, HP, AC
Undying Bond AR 422F Passive, Summon, HP
Wingmen AR 423B Passive, Summon, Utility, Mobility, Wind
Swap Places AR 423F Spellburn, Trigger / Fast Action, Reaction, Spell, Redirect, Mobility, Subtle
Goodbye AR 424B Trigger, Passive, Summon, Fire, Damage, Area, Health, Save
Arcane Familiarity AR 424F Passive, Summon
Reaching Out AR 425B Passive, Summon, Ranged, Attack
Familiar Power 3 AR 425F Passive, Summon, Damage
Clone AR 429 Spellburn, Spell, Enchantment, Spellburn, Trigger, Passive, Spell, Self, Revive, Cheat Death
Ultimate Energy Shield AR 430 Passive, HP, Buff
Ultimate Mage Armor AR 431 AC
Mana Barrier AR 435 Spellburn, Trigger, Reaction, Spell, Self, Flash Enchantment, Cheat Death
Banishing Barrier AR 436 Spellburn, Action, Self, Area, Enchantment, Space Magic
Ghost Form AR 437 Spellburn, Action, Trigger, Reaction, Spell, Self, Enchantment, Buff, Mobility, Resist, Conceal, Test, Utility, Subtle, Dark
Flight AR 438 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Buff, Utility, Mobility, Wind
Bind AR 440 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Enchantment, Health, Save, Debuff, Restrain, Disable, Splittable
Banish AR 441 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Enchantment, Elemental, Conceal, Space Magic, Affinity, Damage Over Time, Spell, Space Magic
Wormhole AR 442 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Area, Enchantment, Mobility, Space Magic, Teleport
Gravity AR 443 Spell, Action, Spellburn, Ranged, Health, Save, Mobility, Pull, Space Magic, Spell, Action, Spellburn, Ranged, Area, Health, Save, Mobility, Pull, Space Magic, Spell, Action, Spellburn, Ranged, Area, Health, Save, Mobility, Debuff, Immobilize, Pull, Fall, Space Magic, Damage Over Time, Spell, Action, Spellburn, Ranged, Enchantment, Health, Save, Debuff, Mobility, Space Magic, Anti-Aerial, Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Enchantment, Health, Save, Debuff, Mobility, Immobilize, Space Magic, Anti-Aerial, Physical, Damage
Arcane Mine AR 444 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Blast, Ranged, Area, Enchantment, Elemental, Damage, Illusion, Subtle, Affinity
Turn Into a Newt AR 450 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Curse, Social, Save, Debuff
Sleep AR 451 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Curse, Health, Save, Debuff, Mental, Sleep, Splittable
Petrify AR 452 Spellburn, Spell, Ranged, Area, Enchantment, Curse, Debuff, Health, Save, Earth
Command AR 453 Spellburn, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Curse, Social, Save, Utility, Mental, Debuff
Effigy AR 454 Spell, Spellburn, Action, Curse, Redirect
Rime AR 455 Spell, Action, Spellburn, Cold, Damage, Curse, Health, Save, Freeze, Immobilize, Disable, Debuff
Convulse AR 456 Spell, Action, Spellburn, Lightning, Damage, Curse, Health, Save, Prone, Immobilize, Disable, Debuff
Invisibility AR 460 Spellburn, Fast Action, Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Utility, Buff, Conceal, Illusion, Subtle, Dark
Seance AR 461 Spellburn, Ritual, Spell, Melee, Utility
Read Mind AR 462 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Melee, Social, Save, Utility, Mental, Spellburn, Action, Spell, Melee, Academic, Save, Utility, Mental, Spellburn, Action, Spell, Melee, Academic, Save, Utility, Mental
Shared Fortune AR 470 Trigger, Effortless, Reaction, Spellburn, Spell, Self, Reroll, Uncounterable
Foresee AR 471 Trigger, Passive, Ability, Self
Countermagic Mastery AR 480 Passive, Anti-magic, Test
Arcane Conduit AR 490 Spellburn, Reroll, Passive, Spellburn, Skill, Master
Necromancy AR 520 Spellburn, Action, Spell, Melee, Enchantment, Compel, Revive, Summon
Dying Breath Curse AR 550 Trigger, Spell, Curse, DC
Overload AR 5M5 Hit, Save, Anti-antimagic, Metamagic
Maim AR 5M6 Damage, Metamagic
Explode AR 910 Spellburn, Spell, Action, Blast, Area, Fire, Damage
Freeze Time AR 970 Spellburn, Spell, Fast Action / Trigger, Self, Utility, Cold
Survival 1 BI 100 Skill, Training, Item
General Monster Lore BI 101 Skill, (Knowledge), Training, Skill, Advantage, Hit, Disadvantage, Save
Anger Management BI 110 Trigger, Buff, Debuff
Glass Cannon BI 111 Ability, Trigger, HP, Damage, Buff
Fatal Fury BI 112 Spell, Trigger, Elemental, Dark, Damage, HP, Buff
Last Stand BI 113 Passive, Damage, HP, Buff, Passive, Damage, HP, Buff, Bloodied
Bear Strength: Bearly Enstrengthen BI 114 Action, Spell, Self, Enchantment, Buff, Damage, Test, Strength, Effort
Ceramics: Earthenware Weaponry BI 115 Fast Action, Spell, Melee, Earth, Damage
Envenom BI 116 Action, Spell, Melee, Buff, Damage, Poison, Undispellable
Bark Skin BI 117 Action, Spell, Self, Enchantment, Buff, AC, Armor
Stone Skin BI 118 Action, Spell, Self, Enchantment, Buff, Physical, Mobility, Push, Pull, Drag, Grab, Armor, Earth
Nature’s Sustenance BI 119 Action, Spell, Self, Enchantment, Buff, Utility
Venom Strike BI 11A Trigger, Spell, Damage, Poison, Damage Over Time, Undispellable
Frenzy BI 11B Damage, Buff
Adrenaline Rush BI 11C HP, Initiative, Buff
Beast Within BI 120 Fast Action, Spell, Self, Buff, Beast, Weapon Training, Undispellable, Subtle
Life Surge BI 130 Fast Action, Ability, Self, Heal, Passive, Heal
Regeneration BI 131 Fast Action, Spell, Self, Enchantment, Buff, Heal, Passive, Heal
Transfuse BI 132 Action, Spell, Ranged, Heal
Fairy Berries BI 133 Action, Spell, Melee, Heal, Utility
Natural Cleanse BI 134 Action, Spell, Ranged, Status Heal, Poison, Disease
Vitality BI 135 Passive, Heal
Poison Needles BI 140 Action, Spell, Blast, Ranged, Health, Save, Poison, Damage, Damage Over Time, Undispellable, Action, Spell, Blast, Ranged, Health, Save, Poison, Damage, Cantrip
Corrode BI 141 Action, Spell, Blast, Ranged, Health, Save, Debuff, AC, Permanent, Acid, Damage, Damage Over Time, Debuff, Action, Spell, Blast, Ranged, Health, Save, Debuff, AC, Permanent, Acid, Damage, Cantrip
Swarm BI 142 Action, Spell, Blast, Ranged, Area, Physical
Drain Life BI 143 Spell, Action, Blast, Ranged, Melee, Dark, Damage
Wild Surge BI 144 Action, Spell, Blast, Ranged, Elemental, Damage, Debuff
Entangle BI 145 Action, Spell, Ranged, Restrain, Grab, Pull, Splittable, Damage Over Time
Invoke Chaos BI 149 Trigger, Spell, Ranged, Area, Random
Geomancy BI 150 Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Mobility, Utility, Undispellable, Earth, Action, Spell, Melee, Enchantment, Buff, Test, Stealth, Subtle, Earth, Action, Spell, Melee, Area, Utility, Earth, Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Mobility, Utility, Save, Undispellable, Earth
Beast Master BI 151 Passive, Utility, Summon, Passive, Summon, Beast, Action, Ability
Geography: Deserts BI 152 Passive
Geography: Arctic BI 153 Passive
Geography: Swamps BI 154 Passive
Attune BI 190 Passive, Fast Action, HP, Trigger, Reroll, Skill, Training
Influence Chaos BI 191 Passive, Trigger, Reroll
Survival 2: Basic Bushcraft BI 200 Skill, Adept
Monster Lore 2: Categories of Creatures BI 201 Skill, Adept
Anger Mastery BI 210 Passive
Berserker BI 210B Passive, Damage, Mobility
Glass Cannon 2 BI 211 Passive, Damage, HP
Fatal Fury 2 BI 212 Passive, Elemental, Dark, Damage, HP
Last Stand 2 BI 213 Passive, Damage, HP
Bear Strength 2: Awaken Hibernating Potential BI 214 Passive, Spell, Enchantment, Buff, Damage, Test, Strength, Effort
Hawk Eyes BI 215 Action, Spell, Self, Enchantment, Buff, Hit, Utility, Test, Darkvision
Rabbit Feet BI 216 Fast action, Trigger, Spell, Melee, Enchantment, Buff, Mobility, Subtle
Vengeance BI 217 Damage, Buff, Physical, HP
Envenom 2 BI 219 Passive, Buff, Damage, Poison
Venom Strike 2 BI 21A Passive, Damage, Poison, Damage Over Time
Altered Beast BI 220 Beast, Utility
Ravenous Beast BI 223 Beast Form, Attack, Hit, Ability, Trigger, Heal, Trigger, Heal, Passive
Life Surge 2 BI 230 Heal, Upgrade, Passive
Resilience BI 234 Action, Spell, Enchantment, Buff, Save, Advantage
Poison Breath BI 240 Spell, Action, Blast, Poison, Area, Health, Save, Damage, Damage Over Time, Undispellable
Sickening Poison BI 242 Poison, Debuff
Web BI 243 Action, Spell, Ranged, Health, Reflex, Save, Debuff, Restrain, Disable, Splittable, Undispellable, Action, Spell, Ranged, Health, Reflex, Save, Debuff, Mobility, Pull, Splittable, Undispellable, Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Health, Save, Undispellable
Oblivion BI 249 Spell, Action, Dark, Damage, Health, Save
Animal Scrying BI 250 Action, Spell, Area, Enchantment, Utility, Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Utility
Beast Offense Training BI 252 Passive, Summon, Damage
Beast Defense Training BI 253 Passive, Summon, HP, AC
Beast Agility Training BI 254 Passive, Mobility, AC, Test, Agility
Beast Obedience Training BI 255 Passive, Summon, Compel, Social, Test
Disperse Chaos BI 290 Ability, Action, Control
Survival 3: Self-Sufficiency BI 300 Skill, Expert
Monster Lore 3: Favored Foes BI 301 Skill, Expert
Glass Cannon 3 BI 311 Passive, Damage, HP
Fatal Fury 3 BI 312 Passive, Elemental, Dark, Damage, HP
Last Stand 3 BI 313 Passive, Damage, HP
Bear Strength 3: Grizzly Gains BI 314 Passive, Spell, Enchantment, Buff, Damage, Test, Strength, Effort
Natural Resonance BI 315 Spell, Trigger, Save
Aspect of the Spider BI 316 Action, Spell, Self, Enchantment, Buff, Mobility, Poison, Damage, Subtle
Envenom 3 BI 319 Passive, Buff, Damage, Poison
Venom Strike 3 BI 31A Passive, Damage, Poison, Damage Over Time
Evolved Beast BI 320 Beast, Utility
Life Surge 3 BI 330 Heal, Upgrade, Passive
Healing Factor BI 335 Action, Spell, Self, Enchantment, Buff, Heal
Poison Spores BI 340 Spell, Action, Poison, Area, Health, Save, Damage, Damage Over Time, Undispellable
Decay BI 342 Action, Spell, Ranged, Health, Save, Disease, Curse, Debuff
Intermediate Beast Offense Training BI 352 Summon, Damage, Mobility
Intermediate Beast Defense Training BI 353 Passive, Summon, HP, AC
Survival 4: Thriving in Adverse Conditions BI 400 Skill, Mastery
Monster Lore 4: Encyclopedic Exam Prep BI 401 Skill, Mastery
Ultimate Glass Cannon BI 411 Passive, Damage, HP
Ultimate Fatal Fury BI 412 Passive, Elemental, Dark, Damage, HP
Blaze of Glory BI 413 Passive, Damage, HP, Passive, Damage, HP
Bear Ultimate Strength: Rite to Bear Arms BI 414 Passive, Spell, Enchantment, Buff, Damage, Test, Strength, Effort
Grow BI 415 Action, Spell, Self, Enchantment, Buff, Debuff, Reach, Area, Test, Damage, Save, Ability, Attack Extra Targets
Envenom 4 BI 419 Passive, Buff, Damage, Poison
Ultimate Venom Strike BI 41A Passive, Damage, Poison, Damage Over Time
Ultimate Beast BI 420 Beast, Mobility, Utility
Adapted Insulation BI 424 Beast, Resist, Cold
Natural Immunity BI 425 Beast, Resist
Life Surge 4 BI 430 Heal, Upgrade, Passive
Cover in Scales BI 431 Trigger, Action, Spell, Self, Enchantment, Buff, Cheat Death
Reincarnation BI 433 Action, Spell, Melee, Revive
Paralyzing Toxin BI 440 Action, Spell, Ranged, Poison, Health, Save, Debuff, Incapacitate, Splittable, Undispellable
Home Tree BI 450 Melee, Spell, Action, Spell, Self, Action, Spell, Melee
Advanced Beast Offense Training BI 452 Summon, Damage
Advanced Beast Defense Training BI 453 Passive, Summon, HP, AC
Presence Training CM 100 Skill, Training
Intro to Intrigue CM 101 Skill, Training
Expression Training CM 102 Skill, Training, Skill, Distract, Skill, Item, Food
Bardic Performance CM 111 Bardic Magic, Spell, Uncounterable, Undispellable, Team, Buff, Hit, Test
The Sidestep CM 112 Bardic Magic, Spell, Uncounterable, Undispellable, Team Buff, AC
Vital Performance CM 113 Bardic Magic, Spell, Uncounterable, Undispellable, Team Buff, Heal, Bardic Magic, Spell, Uncounterable, Undispellable, Team Buff, Heal
Brutal Performance CM 115 Bardic Magic, Spell, Uncounterable, Undispellable, Debuff, Damage, Bardic Magic, Spell, Uncounterable, Undispellable, Buff, Debuff, Damage
Biting Words CM 120 Diminish, Action, Ranged, Spell, Social, Save, Psychic, Enchantment, Debuff, Mental
Shout CM 121 Diminish, Action, Spell, Blast, Ranged, Health, Save, Sonic, Damage, Cantrip
Taunt CM 123 Diminish, Action, Ranged, Social, Save, Debuff, Taunt, Mental, Emotion, Passive, Skill
Demoralize CM 124 Diminish, Action / Trigger, Ranged, Social, Save, Debuff, Fear, Mental, Emotion, Passive, Skill
Heckle CM 125 Trigger, Reaction, Diminish, Ranged, Debuff
Soothing Words CM 130 Diminish, Action, Ranged, Spell, Heal
Prepare for Battle CM 131 Area, Buff, HP
Inspire CM 133 Trigger, Reaction, Buff, Test, Hit
Cheer CM 134 Trigger, Reaction, Buff, Hit, AC, Save
Overture CM 135 Team, Buff, Initiative
Embolden CM 136 Action / Fast Action, Ranged, Social, Save, Fear, Terror, Action, Ranged, Social, Save, Fear, Terror, Passive, Skill, Passive, Social, Save, Fear, Terror
Obstinance CM 137 Passive, Charm, Compulsion, Save, Advantage, Trigger, Compulsion, Damage, Save
Presence 2: Appearing In Control CM 200 Skill, Adept
Intrigue 2: Backup Plans CM 201 Skill, Adept
Expression 2: Conveyance CM 202 Skill, Adept, Skill, Reroll, Skill
Making Friends and Influencing People CM 203 Skill, Training, Adept, Expertise
Duet CM 210 Passive
The Quickstep CM 211 Bardic Magic, Spell, Uncounterable, Undispellable, Team Buff, Mobility
Efficient Performance CM 213 Bardic Magic, Spell, Uncounterable, Undispellable, Team Buff, Effort
Harsh Noise CM 214 Bardic Magic, Area, Spell, Uncounterable, Undispellable, Damage
Self Aggrandizement CM 21A Self, Buff
Blare CM 222 Diminish, Action, Spell, Blast, Ranged, Area, Health, Save, Sonic, Damage
The Great Tragedies CM 225 Diminish, Action, Ranged, Social, Save, Control, Debuff, Mental, Emotion, Passive, Skill
Charm CM 226 Action, Diminish, Spell, Curse, Ranged, Save, Charm, Subtle, Mental, Emotion
Soothing Words 2 CM 230 Spell, Upgrade, Heal, Fast Action
Roust CM 234 Action, Ranged, Save
Forté CM 290 Passive
Presence 3: Asserting Dominance CM 300 Skill, Expert
Intrigue 3: Conspiracy CM 301 Skill, Expert
Expression 3: Archetypal Allusions CM 302 Skill, Expert
Triad CM 310 Passive
Defiant Performance CM 311 Bardic Magic, Spell, Uncounterable, Undispellable, Team Buff, Save
Masking Performance CM 312 Bardic Magic, Spell, Uncounterable, Undispellable, Team Buff, Test, Stealth, Subtle
Musical Chairs CM 313 Bardic Magic, Spell, Uncounterable, Undispellable, Team Buff, Mobility
Soothing Words 3 CM 330 Spell, Upgrade, Heal
Team Roust CM 334 Action, Area, Team, Save
Presence 4: Leadership Masterclass CM 400 Skill, Mastery
Intrigue 4: Next-Level Scheming CM 401 Skill, Mastery
Expression 4: Creative Self-Study CM 402 Skill, Mastery
Quartet CM 410 Passive
Death Waltz CM 411 Bardic Magic, Spell, Uncounterable, Undispellable, Team Buff, Crit
Guiding Performance CM 413 Bardic Magic, Spell, Uncounterable, Undispellable, Team Buff, Test
Counter Performance CM 414 Bardic Magic, Spell, Action, Uncounterable, Undispellable, Save, Anti Magic
Glorious Solo CM 415 Fast Action, Bardic Magic, Spell, Uncounterable, Undispellable, Self, Buff, Hit, Crit, AC, Save, Heal
Victory Fanfare CM 416 Trigger, Spell, Uncounterable, Team Buff, Heal
Quaking Chord CM 423 Spell, Upgrade, Diminish, Chord, Push, Prone, Health, Save
Crippling Doubt CM 424 Trigger, Reaction, Spell, Curse, Flash Enchantment, Save, Debuff
Rally CM 431 Action, Ranged, Revive, Heal
Dashing Chord CM 433 Diminish, Action, Area, Spell, Chord, Mobility
Haste Beat CM 434 Diminish, Action, Ranged, Spell
Thunderous Applause CM 453 Spell, Ally, Trigger, Sonic, Damage
Curtain Call CM 454 Cheat Death, Trigger, Reaction
Roguery 1 CS 100 Skill, Training
Seeking 1 CS 101 Skill, Training
Poisons 1 CS 103 Skill, (Crafting Focus), Training, Item
Jack of All Trades CS 104 Skill, Training, Adept, Passive, Item
Bureaucracy 1 CS 105 Skill
Sneak Attack CS 110 Ability, Attack, Action
Exsanguinate CS 112 Hit, Physical, Damage, Bleed, Damage Over Time
High Roller CS 114 Ability, Damage, Reroll
Dirty Fighting CS 115 Weapon, Melee, Hit, Technique, Health, Save, Debuff, Hit, Test, Disadvantage, Blind, Conceal
Hamstring CS 116 Weapon, Melee, Hit, Technique, Health, Save, Mobility
Trip Strike CS 117 Weapon, Melee, Hit, Technique, Test, Debuff, Hit, Disadvantage, Mobility
Gloom CS 119 Spell, Trigger, Dark, Damage
Losing Them CS 121 Skill, Fast Action, Skill, Skill
Dodge CS 125 AC, Trigger, Reaction
Escaping Arrest CS 126 Restrain, Test, Save
Footwork CS 130 Save, Test, Trip, Prone, Passive, Prone, Utility, Mobility, Test, Mobility, Disengage, Mobility, Disengage, Melee, Attack
Forestall CS 131 Passive, Initiative
Getting Lucky CS 190 FP, Trigger, Buff, Hit, Test
Roguery 2 CS 200 Skill, Adept, Skill, Item
Seeking 2 CS 201 Skill, Adept
Poisons 2: Survey of Poisons and Methods CS 203 Skill, Adept, Item
Sneak Attack 2: Sneakier Attack CS 210 Passive, Damage
Coup de Grâce CS 211 Action, Attack, Incapacitated, Paralyze, Sleep, Crit, Damage
Exsanguinate 2: Deeper Cuts CS 212 Passive, Bleed, Damage, Damage Over Time
Finisher CS 213 Damage
Deeper Gloom CS 219 Passive, Dark, Damage
Shadow Arts CS 222 Fast Acti0n, Move, Mobility, Dark, Skill
Evade CS 224 Trigger, Reaction, Disadvantage, Hit, Trigger, Reaction, Attack, Redirect
Not Quite CS 225 Trigger, Effortless, Reaction, Debuff, Hit
Nine Lives CS 226 Trigger, Effortless, Reaction, Self, Buff, Save
Second Chance CS 227 Trigger, Effortless, Reaction, Self, Buff, Save
Reflexes CS 228 Passive, Save, Health (Reflex)
Run! CS 230 Fast Action, Mobility, Buff, Mobility, Passive, Mobility, Passive
Stacking the Odds CS 290 FP, FP, FP
Pure Skill CS 291 FP, Advantage, Test
Roguery 3 CS 300 Skill, Expert
Seeking 3 CS 301 Skill, Expert
Poisons 3: Advanced Formulation CS 303 Skill, Expert, Item
Sneak Attack 3: Sneakiest Attack CS 310 Passive, Damage
Assassinate CS 311 Ability, Damage, Ambush, Hide
Exsanguinate 3: Circulatory Anatomy CS 312 Passive, Bleed, Damage, Damage Over Time
Lucky Hit CS 315 Weapon, Attack, Hit, Advantage, Buff
Murder CS 316 Crit, Damage
Jinx CS 317 Trigger, Reaction, Spell, Curse, Flash Enchantment, Debuff, Save, Dark
Gloom Deeper Still CS 319 Passive, Dark, Damage
Nothing Personal CS 330 Fast Action, Mobility
Cheat CS 390 FP
Luck Thief CS 391 Passive, FP, Passive, FP, Trigger, Reaction, FP, Test, Contest
Misfortune Magnet CS 392 FP, Trigger, Effortless, Tilt, Test, Debuff, FP, Trigger, Critical
Extra Fortune CS 393 FP
Roguery 4 CS 400 Skill
Seeking 4 CS 401 Skill
Poisons 4: Diagnosis and Neutralization CS 403 Skill, Item
Ultimate Sneak Attack CS 410 Passive, Damage
Ultimate Exsanguination CS 412 Passive, Bleed, Damage, Damage Over Time
Mulligan CS 415 Miss, Reroll, Hit
Deepest Gloom CS 419 Passive, Dark, Damage
Not Even Close CS 426 Cheat Death, Trigger, Effortless, Reaction
Push Your Luck CS 490 FP
Loaded Die CS 491 Reroll, Trigger, Effortless, Reaction
Aura of Ill Luck CS 492 FP, Trigger, Effortless, Reaction, Disadvantage, Test, Debuff
Physical Training MA 100 Skill, Training, Passive, Attack, Damage
Weight Training MA 101 Passive, Weight
Unarmed Combat Training MA 110 Hit, Weapon Training
Melee Weapon Training MA 111 Hit, Weapon Training
Ranged Weapon Training MA 112 Hit, Weapon Training
Shield Training MA 119 Hit, Weapon Training, Buff, AC, Armor
Introduction to Weaponry MA 11A Hit, Weapon Training
Death Blow MA 121 Attack, Hit, Ability, Damage
Full Force MA 122 Hit, Ability, Damage, Reroll
Disarming Strike MA 123 Hit, Technique
Assess MA 124 Action, Debuff
Take Aim MA 125 Action, Trigger, Ranged, Debuff, Hit, Damage
Quick Draw MA 129 Passive, Attack
Power Attack MA 130 Melee, Attack, Ability, Debuff, Hit, Buff, Damage
Cleave MA 131 Melee, Area, Form, Melee, Area, Melee, Area, Redirect, Ability, Melee, Area, Form
Shoving Strike MA 132 Melee, Hit, Technique, Trip, Prone, Melee, Hit, Technique, Push, Stamina, Push, Push
Sunder MA 134 Melee, Hit, Technique, Debuff, AC, Armor, DR, Melee, Hit, Technique, Debuff, Hit, Damage
Wind Up MA 135 Move, Buff, Damage
Charge! MA 136 Fast Action, Mobility, Buff, Damage, Debuff, Ability, Damage, Melee, Ability, Push, Move, Ability, Attack, Dash
Reckless Attack MA 137 Ability, Buff, Debuff, Advantage, Hit, Off guard
The Elements of Hand to Hand Combat MA 13A Style, Elemental, Tumble, Test, Affinity, Spellburn
Introduction to Fencing MA 13B Style, Damage, Mobility, Mobility, Disengage, Melee, Attack
Strong Grip MA 13C Passive, Style, Heavy
Throwing Weapons MA 13D Passive, Throw, Style, Reaction, Trigger, Style
Dueling MA 13E Trigger, Damage, Style, Passive, Save, Fear, Terror
Head Shot MA 140 Ranged, Attack, Debuff, Hit, Buff, Damage
Volley MA 141 Attack Extra Targets, Ranged, Form
Propelling Shot MA 142 Ranged, Hit, Technique, Move, Push
Distracting Shot MA 143 Ranged, Attack, Technique, Debuff, Buff, Test, Hit, Save, Conceal
Blinding Shot MA 144 Ranged, Hit, Technique, Debuff, Blind, Test, Hit, Save, Conceal
Quick Reload MA 145 Reload, Trigger
Toughness MA 150 HP
Defensive Technique MA 151 AC, Reaction, Trigger
Armor Training MA 152 AC, Armor
Guard MA 154 Action, Defend, Self, Resist, Stance, Passive, Defend, Stamina
Technical Defense MA 155 Test, Save, Prone, Reaction, Prone, Passive, Prone, Utility, Test, Save, Grab, Restrain, Test, Save, Push, Pull, Drag
Relentless Advance MA 156 Ability, Status, Immobilize, Restrain, Damage, Save, Restrain, Advantage
Tenacity MA 157 Trigger, Effortless, Reaction, Self, Save, Reroll
Marine Style MA 158 Passive, AC, Hit, Mobility, Push, Pull, Drag, Climb, Swim, Trip
Fighting Blind MA 159 Style, Blind, Shapesense
Dual Wielding MA 170 Hit, Style
Welcoming Strike MA 173 Extra Attack(s), Trigger, Reaction
Counterattack MA 174 Extra Attack, Trigger, Reaction
Boot Camp MA 190 Stamina, Weapon, Damage
Ferocity MA 191 Stamina, Damage
Physical Adept MA 200 Skill, Adept, Passive, Attack, Damage
Unarmed Combat Adept MA 210 Hit, Adept, Ability, Action, Extra Attack, Ability, Action, Attack, Damage
Melee Weapon Adept MA 211 Hit, Adept, Ability, Action, Extra Attack, Ability, Action, Attack, Damage
Ranged Weapon Adept MA 212 Hit, Adept, Ability, Action, Extra Attack, Ability, Action, Attack, Damage
Lethality MA 221 Crit, Damage
Maneuver MA 225 Fast Action, Mobility, Fast Action, Mobility, Buff, Mobility
Armor Piercing Strike MA 226 Trigger, Technique
Graze MA 228 Trigger, Miss, Damage
Grappling Strike MA 230 Grab, Off Guard, Mobility, Melee, Hit, Technique
Jumping MA 231 Passive, Jump, Skill, Mobility, Damage, Ability, Fall, Damage, Jump, Mobility, Damage, Passive, Jump, Melee, Damage, Style
Halt MA 232 Opportunity, Immobilize, Health, Save, Debuff
Shockwave MA 233 Ability, Melee, Ranged, Wind, Form
Blitz MA 234 Melee, Mobility, Area, Attack, Form
Mortal Blow MA 235 Melee, Attack, Hit, Ability, Damage
Pincer MA 236 Passive, Hit, Team
Duel Stance MA 237 Ability, Buff, Debuff, Advantage, Hit, Off guard
Break Guard MA 238 Melee, Hit, Technique, Hit, Advantage, Off guard, Debuff
Overwhelm MA 239 Melee, Hit, Technique, Hit, Disadvantage, Debuff
Melee Defense MA 23A Trigger, Reaction, Stamina, Resist, Buff
Dueling 2 MA 23E Passive, Damage, Style
Exploitation MA 23F Passive, Hit
Volley 2 MA 241 Passive, Stamina
Piercing Shot MA 242 Attack Extra Targets, Area, Form, Attack, Redirect, Miss
Pinning Shot MA 243 Ranged, Attack, Technique, Health, Save, Mobility, Immobilize, Debuff
Sharpshooter MA 244 Ranged, Engage, Melee, Cover
Stable Aim MA 245 Mobility, Hit, Range, Buff
Overwatch MA 246 Action, Extra Attack, Trigger, Reaction
Boomerang MA 24D Passive, Throw, Extra Attack, Trigger
Hardening MA 250 HP, Cheat Death, Endure, Cheat Death, Reaction, Effortless
Defense Adept MA 251 AC, Reaction, Trigger
Armor Adept MA 252 AC, Armor
Oppose MA 253 Reaction, Trigger, Effortless, Resist, Damage
Block MA 254 Hit, Trigger, Reaction, DR, Block, Stamina, Hit, Trigger, Reaction, DR, Parry, Stamina
Intercept MA 255 Trigger, Reaction, Hit, Save, Trigger, Reaction, Move
Cover MA 256 Trigger, Reaction, Redirect, Hit, Trigger, Reaction, Move
Dual Wielding Medium Weapons MA 270 Passive, Hit, Dual Wield
Spellsword MA 272 Ability, Action, Spell, Attack
Attack and Defend MA 273 Action, Style, Defend, Trigger, Style, Buff, Damage
Trade Blows MA 274 Passive, Extra Attack, Trigger
Counter Spell MA 275 Passive, Extra Attack, Trigger
Combo MA 276 Dual Wield, Hit, Damage
Endurance Training MA 290 Stamina
Desperation MA 291 Stamina, Bloodied
Physical Expertise MA 300 Skill, Expert, Passive, Attack, Damage
Unarmed Combat Expertise MA 310 Hit, Expert, Attack
Melee Weapon Expertise MA 311 Hit, Expert, Attack
Ranged Weapon Expertise MA 312 Hit, Expert, Attack
Mastered Lethality MA 321 Crit, Damage, Crit, Melee, Area
Precise Attack MA 323 Attack, Ability, Advantage
Accurate Attack MA 324 Action, Hit
Opportunist MA 332 Ability, Trigger, Reaction
Obstruct MA 333 Passive, Mobility, Debuff
Dueling 3 MA 33E Passive, Damage, Style
Impervious MA 350 HP
Defense Expertise MA 351 AC, Reaction, Trigger
Armor Expert MA 352 AC, Armor
Power Through MA 353 Trigger, Effortless, Reaction, Self, Save
Perfect Block MA 354 Ability, Trigger, DR
Block Blast MA 355 Reaction, Trigger, Health, Reflex, Save, Self
Energy Reserves MA 390 Stamina
Physical Mastery MA 400 Skill, Mastery, Passive, Attack, Damage, Mobility
Unarmed Combat Mastery MA 410 Hit, Utility
Melee Weapon Mastery MA 411 Hit, Utility
Ranged Weapon Mastery MA 412 Hit, Utility
Perfect Lethality MA 421 Crit
Perfect Fatality MA 422 Crit, Damage
Unerring MA 423 Miss, Reroll, Hit
Feint MA 424 Miss, Buff, Hit
Staggering Strike MA 431 Melee, Attack, Hit, Technique, Health, Save, Debuff
Ground Pound MA 432 Attack Extra Targets, Area, Earth, Form
Sleeper Hold MA 433 Action, Health, Save, Sleep
Blade Flash MA 434 Technique, Melee, Ranged, Debuff, Blind, Health, Save
Throat Strike MA 435 Technique, Hit, Anti-Magic
Dueling 4: Supreme Confidence MA 43E Passive, Damage, Style
Drop Shot MA 440 Ranged, Hit, Technique, Health, Save, Prone
Adamant Body MA 450 HP, Cheat Death
Ultimate Defense MA 451 Cheat, Trigger, Reaction
Armor Mastery MA 452 AC, Armor
Just a Flesh Wound MA 453 Trigger, Passive, Reaction, Hit, Resist
Anticipation MA 454 Ability, Fast Action, Trigger, Defense
Blast Reflection MA 455 Reaction, Spell, Save, Redirect
Marathoner MA 490 Stamina
Healing 1: First Aid TH 100 Skill, (Crafting Emphasis), Training, Item
Smite TH 110 Action, Spell, Blast, Ranged, Long Range, Social, Save, Light, Lightning, Damage, Action, Spell, Blast, Ranged, Long Range, Health, Save, Light, Lightning, Damage, Cantrip
Heal TH 120 Action, Spell, Melee, Heal
Cleanse TH 121 Action, Spell, Ranged, Status Heal
Break Curse TH 122 Action, Spell, Ranged, Status Heal, Action, Spell, Ranged, Status Heal
Bless TH 130 Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Buff, Hit, Test
Ward TH 131 Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Buff, AC, Save
Spirit Armor TH 132 Action, Spell, Self, Enchantment, Buff, AC, Armor, Resist, Light, Dark
Curse TH 133 Action, Spell, Curse, Area, Enchantment, Debuff, Hit, Test, Save, AC
Detect Spirits TH 150 Spell, Self, Area, Enchantment
Intervention TH 161 Spell, Trigger, Reaction, Hit, Save, Health, Reflex
Offensive Support TH 162 Ability, Action, Attack, Heal, Buff
Gleam TH 165 SP, Spell, Action, Buff, Light, Damage, Heal
Wholeness TH 166 Passive, Damage, HP
Spiritual Energy TH 190 SP, SP, Heal, SP, Spell, Enchantment, Light, Action, Utility, Skill, Training
Healing 2: Indications and Interventions TH 200 Skill, Adept, Item
Judgment TH 210 Action, Spell, Blast, Ranged, Long Range, Area, Social, Save, Light, Lightning, Damage
Aura of Radiance TH 212 Action, Spell, Self, Area, Social, Save, Light, Damage, Blast, Enchantment
Divine Punishment TH 213 Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Curse, Taunt, Light, Damage
Lightwall TH 214 Spell, Action, SP
Heal 2 TH 220 Spell, Upgrade, Ranged, Long Range, Area, Heal
Awakening TH 231 Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Buff, Light, Damage, Effort
Aura of Safety TH 233 Action, Spell, Area, Enchantment, Buff, Save
Aura of Protection TH 234 Action, Spell, Area, Enchantment, Buff, HP, Redirect
Thorns TH 235 Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Buff, Physical / Light, Damage
Higher Purpose TH 237 Trigger, Self, Spell, Effort, Subtle
Divine Protection TH 238 Rection, Trigger, Effortless, Passive, Self, Save, Reroll
Holy Shield TH 239 Spell, Trigger, Reaction, Ranged, Damage, Buff, Flash Enchantment
Sanctuary TH 250 Action, Spell, Melee, Enchantment, Area, Buff, Debuff
Condemn the Unholy TH 251 Action, Spell, Blast, Ranged, Social, Save, Light, Damage, Enchantment, Fear, Terror
Wrath TH 260 Spell, Melee, Uncounterable, Light, Lightning, Fire, Damage, Buff
Revelation TH 261 Fast Action, Spell, Melee, Health, Save, Enchantment, Curse, Debuff, Damage
Fast as Lightning TH 262 Action, Spell, Self, Enchantment, Buff, Mobility
Aura Projection TH 263 Move, Spell, Self, Uncounterable, Undispellable, Flash Enchantment, Buff, Range
Circle of Blows TH 264 Melee, Area, Attack Extra Targets, Form
Gleam 2 TH 265 Passive, SP, Spell, Action, Buff, Light, Damage, Heal
Wholeness 2 TH 266 Passive, Damage, HP
Inhuman Prowess TH 267 Action, Spell, Self, Enchantment, Test, Buff
Spiritual Refinement TH 290 SP, SP, Skill, Training
Spirit Boost TH 2M2 Trigger, Upgrade, SP, Damage
Healing 3: Pharmaceuticals TH 300 Skill, Expert, Item
Almighty Judgment TH 310 Passive, Spell, Upgrade, Area, Heal
Heal 3 TH 320 Spell, Upgrade, Enchantment, Heal
Preordain TH 331 Trigger, Reaction, Ranged, Buff, Hit
Seal of Divine Favor TH 332 Action, Spell, Melee, Enchantment, Seal, Buff, Reroll, Hit, Test, Save
Seal of Safety TH 333 Action, Spell, Melee, Enchantment, Seal, Buff, Save
Seal of Sacrosanctity TH 334 Action, Spell, Melee, Enchantment, Seal, Buff, Miss
Resist TH 335 Trigger, Reaction, Spell, Ranged, Flash Enchantment, Buff, Resist, Elemental, Affinity
Protection From Spirits TH 350 Action, Spell, Melee, Enchantment, Buff, Hit, Resist, Save
Brutal Wrath TH 360 Passive, Damage, Light
See the Threads TH 361 Action, Spell, Enchantment, Buff, Hit, Advantage, Reroll
Light as a Feather TH 363 Action, Spell, Self, Enchantment, Permanent, Undispellable, Buff, Mobility, Mobility, Jump, Mobility, Skill, Mobility, Skill, Jump, Mobility, Skill, Damage, Jump, Ability, Jump, Mobility
Gleam 3 TH 365 Passive, SP, Spell, Action, Buff, Light, Damage, Heal
Wholeness 3 TH 366 Passive, Damage, HP
Heroic Sacrifice TH 390 SP, Passive, SP, Reaction, Skill, Training
Double Spirit Boost TH 3M2 Passive
Healing 4: Radical Treatments TH 400 Skill, Mastery, Item, Item
Divine Pulse TH 411 Fast Action, Spell, Self, Heal, Light, Damage
Ultimate Heal TH 420 Spell, Upgrade, Heal
Revive TH 423 Action, Spell, Melee, Revive, Heal
Angel Wings TH 430 Action, Spell, Buff, Mobility, Utility, Wind
Seal of Anastasis TH 431 Spell, Melee, Enchantment, Seal, Buff, Cheat Death, Revive, Heal
Holy Avenger TH 432 Cheat Death, Trigger, Fast Action, Spell, Self, Uncounterable, Enchantment, Buff, Revive
Demon Hunter TH 450 Spell, Melee, Enchantment, Buff, Crit, Light, Damage
Expel TH 451 Spell, Area, Light, Enchantment
Clone Mantra TH 460 Action, Spell, Mobility, Attack Extra Targets, Summon
Five Point Palm Exploding Body Technique TH 461 Melee Hit Technique, Spell, Melee, Area, Health, Save, Enchantment, Debuff, Fire, Damage
Ultimate Gleam TH 465 Passive, SP, Spell, Action, Buff, Light, Damage, Heal
Wholeness 4: Perfect Pristinity TH 466 Passive, Damage, HP
Spiritual Determination TH 490 SP, SP, Trigger, Skill, Training
Full Incantation TH 4M1 SP, Metamagic
Triple Spirit Boost TH 4M2 Passive